Dronefall My Books Snippet

Lightwaste Excerpt

So, I promised you an excerpt. Here it is. it comes from Dronefall Two, Lightwaste, chapter Four: A Maze of Questions. She has been back at her old school campus, the place where she was raised, seeking answers to the mystery of her inaccessible legal identity files. Her success has not been great, and she is now bound back for District Three Point Five. She’s being careful that no one traces her back to her new neighborhood and has just jumped off a train and landed in an embankment that turns out to be alongside an old churchyard.

The song she sings to herself is part of the same song Reveille is singing in the end of Dronefall. Without really meaning to, I’ve introduced a new verse of this song with each new Dronefall book. We’ll see if it actually turns out to be five verses long.

Anyway, here’s your excerpt:

A black wrought-iron fence materialized from the crisscrossing shadows of the branches and she paused to stare beyond it. At this point, she realized she was in a graveyard. She could see the ancient monuments outlined in the orange light like the skyline of a sleeping city. There was no good way to climb or vault the fence, so she made her way around it, eyes always inward toward the silent garden.

“Oh, would you stay awake and watch with me, ‘til we hear the trumpet sound?
You’ve always been my faithful friends, is there faith left to be found?
You know those weary wanderers you’ve been putting underground?
They’ll all be up and watching, when they hear the trumpet sound.
They’ll be back up and walking….”

  She stopped and her eyes anchored on the silhouette of a cross: a crucifix, two meters high. The church looming in the background had been ravaged and purged. “Faith is for everyone,” said the sign on the door. That meant all the ancient Christian art and distinctive features had been torn down or sealed in glass cases with a lot of commentary alongside so as not to hurt anyone’s feelings. But not here in the cemetery.

  “It meant something to those people,” she remembered her tour guide saying in the Second Stage History of Western Religion fieldtrip. So did the church, she imagined. Times had changed, the guide said. Humanity was beginning to mature. And the old spiel would begin: at first man believed everything was a god, because they couldn’t make sense of the world any other way. Slowly, it evolved to more specific deities, then to one god—and this strict dogmatic view had a strong hold on people fearful of death and damnation, and had many negative effects on history and human relations. Now, at last, we were beginning to see the truth, and one day, we will live in harmony.

  And we will leave the body of Christ in the graveyard where we wanted it in the first place.

Remember, the eBook is still just 99c

Dronefall My Books

Lightwaste. Is. LIVE!

Dronefall Two, Lightwaste is finally available to the reading public!!!

I don’t usually use that many exclamation points, by the way, but I’m thrilled to be launching this bold dangerous little book into the world. It’s been overdue for a long time. Not only in the sense that I expected to publish it last summer, but in the sense that the YA climate is changing in a very different direction and it’s time to speak on behalf of a popularly rejected point of view—Christianity and its unapologizing truth.

But Lightwaste certainly isn’t all fire and brimstone. What you’re actually about to see is Halcyon coming to the realization that many of us have, that there will come a point where you can no longer hide and go along to get along. The opposition simply will not let her.

There’s a lot that could be said but I don’t want to give anything away or overexplain my own story to you. You probably want to read it yourself. You definitely should. I happen to know that book three is also coming soon, and it’s even better, so you probably want to get reading.
Find it here!

New to the Dronefall Fandom?

Hey, great news for you. Book one, Dronefall, is available for a mere 99c on Kindle. I’ll eventually take it up to full price, but now isn’t the time, I think. So, take advantage of it, and jump in. Get it here. Welcome aboard.

Also! (I always feel very German using that word.) Lightwaste is at promotional price. You can get the second ebook for 99c as well. Both Dronefall and Lightwaste are, of course, available in paperback for those who vastly prefer physical books, (like me.)

Stay tuned for the next post. (You might even want to subscribe.) I’ll be releasing an excerpt of Lightwaste for your enjoyment.

Dronefall giveaway My Books

Happy New Year! Goals, giveaways, etc.

Well, here it is. I can’t believe we’re now in the last year before the 20’s roar back around. It’s going to get weird, you know. We have such strong images of what the 20’s 30’s 40’s etc. represent that I don’t think anybody alive is really ready to adjust to the new millennium and a whole new round of decades by the same names. Or am I the only one who freaks out about things like that?

But anyway. This is going to be kind of a quick mishmash post. I’m just typing it up after work here at the library. Might as well. I’ve got a giveaway to publicize and I thought I might announce some semi-formal-ish reading and writing goals for 2019.

My artistic goals are really ambitious and I’m not going to write them all out here. Crazy stuff even outside of my writing life. Things involving producing two or three tin whistle CDs and learning digital art. I’ll be pretty excited if I even get half of this stuff done.

But first off…

Reading goals:

  •  Read 50 books. I didn’t set a number last year, and I ended up kind of wishing I would have. I got kind of lazy. But 50 sounds doable this year…provided I read some fiction and shorter books now and then. *rents a 550 page biography of Einstein from the library*
  • At least 12 books on astronomy/cosmology/astrophysics/space exploration. This shouldn’t be hard for me. That’s my second language. I’m a major space nerd. Also, this biography totally counts.
  • At least 8 books on the craft of writing. I don’t intend to stop growing, and writing and reading about writing are some of the best ways to do that.
  • read certain classics that have been on my to-read list for way too long. Yeah. Got to do that eventually.
  • Read some non-fiction on subjects I’ve never read about before. I love exploring new fields and I’m going to make that a priority this year.
  • And fiction is apparently also a thing. So I’m aiming to try some novels. Maybe some mystery, maybe some sci-fi, maybe some dystopia…maybe even…*shudders*…some YA.
Writing Goals:
  • PUBLISH SONGS FROM THE SMALL HOURS! Literally any day now. Just waiting on my final page proof. 
  • PUBLISH LIGHTWASTE! Also very soon. I promise. 
  • Edit and publish Dronefall Three, Rainchill. The first draft is complete. (It was my NaNoWriMo project.) It’s going to come out this Spring. I won’t make you wait.
  • Write, edit and publish Dronefall Four. I’m really excited to get the book four. The plot isn’t on paper yet, but I’ve got a cool and slightly creepy concept ready, and there are dual storylines…it’s gonna be fun.
  • Write and edit Dronefall Five. Yes, I actually intend to finish the Dronefall quintet this year. Kind of crazy. I highly doubt that Five will hit the press until 2020, though. I won’t push it that hard.
  • Publish a collection of short-stories. I’ve written several short stories and short story ideas breed like tribbles in my head. I might as well do it.
  • Publish a second book of poetry in the Fall. Are you counting? Yeah, I want to publish five books this year. Told you I was going crazy. 
Anyway. I’m sure you’re exhausted just reading all this. Don’t get too tired. You’ve got a lot to d yourself this year and we’ve only just started. What better way to start than to enter a book giveaway? I mean, getting more books is prerequisite to reading more books, right? So, I just thought I’d like you to the giveaway celebrating the launch of Reveries Co., which includes a paperback copy of Dronefall among the loot. 
Here it is. To The Giveaway! Happy 2019! 
Dronefall My Books

A Long-Expected Surprise

Guys! Guys! I have an announcement to make. Some of you might be able to guess it, but some of you won’t, so you’ll have to read on.

But not very far, because I’ll get right to the point. Dronefall is at last and finally available on Kindle. I caved and got professional formatting help, and Victoria Lynn did very well for a very reasonable price. I know a lot of people are hesitant to buy paperbacks. Even avid readers. Maybe even especially avid readers. Book-money is scarce, shelf-space is precious real estate and to almost everyone, I’m an unknown author. But a lot of risk just got removed.

It’s going for 99c right now. So, if you’re curious at all, you might want to swipe it while it’s cheaper than practically everything. If you’re ready to grab it right now, here’s the link. Not ready yet? Okay…here’s the link again. 

Alright, I’ll stop. But the fact that you are now able to hit a button and in seconds drop into a world I have been isolated in for uncounted hours is very exciting. Though I don’t have every scene planned from here to the end of book five, I have quite a map laid out, and my head is spinning with thrilling plot-developments. Well, they sound thrilling in my head, at least.

Anyhow, the first book of the Dronefall series with its colorful cast, non-stop mystery, unique setting and slow-burn suspense is waiting for you on Kindle. If you’re the kind of fangirl or fanboy that loves a complex story-world, quirky characters and a lot (and I mean a whole lot) of raw material for fan-theories, I promise you will have fun.

So, thank you for reading this post. I know it was kind of dumb and not very meaty. The meat’s in the book. And it’s currently 99c.Oh, and here’s the link..

Character Interview Dronefall My Books

Halcyon Speaks Part Two

Welcome to part two of our interview with Halcyon Slavic, the main character of my most recent novel “Dronefall.” In this interview we will get a glimpse of the story-world through her eyes. So, with no further introduction, we’ll get back into it.
Exactly what is the role and function of the drone surveillance in your city?

Budapest has an enormous system of surveillance drones that persistently combs the city with cameras and tracking technology that lets them gather information from people’s phones and wearable devices. There’s a huge grid system that crisscrosses over most of the city, and I think that’s entirely owned by the police. Supposedly this massive amount of data-gathering is keeping a lot of crime off the streets that would otherwise be there. But of course, only a small percentage of the data relates to any crime whatsoever. All this information is always readily available to government officials, the police, and anybody who knows how to hack in and get it.   

And how does the public feel about this?

I don’t really think they think much of anything about it on a day-to-day basis. Most people will scoff at you for raising an eyebrow about it. They argue that the system has saved—however many lives, it varies by who you talk to. They say it’s all actually very secure, and if you are bothered by police watching you, you must have something to hide.

Honestly, I think it bothers more people than are openly saying so. Nobody wants to look paranoid. You can get a lot of harassment if somebody says you’re afraid of the government. It looks pretty backward to some people.

You grew up in an Advocates for Education and Social Development school. Who is AESD, and what was your experience like?

AESD is an international machine that has more or less monopolized school systems in the west. They’re kind of their own government—though their funded by the actual governments of all the countries that they work in. I don’t even know how they started, but they were set up to reshape civilization according to a brilliant agenda that’s going to save us all from ourselves.

I’m starting to suspect one of their main goals is to extinguish Christianity in the next generation, but I know better than to say that. It would get me laughed off—loudly.

Just going on my experience though, the notion isn’t particularly laughable. I wouldn’t say the quality of my education was particularly good, but one thing they certainly did was start teaching children to be revolted by religion—and one religion in particular—at an early age. They used a lot of films and VR in teaching. And a lot of shock factor. 

How would you describe attitudes toward Christianity among educators, students and the general public?

AESD teachers set themselves up as champions of acceptance. If you suggest that they have something against Christianity they will quickly deny it. And then they’ll go on to tell you what an oppressive, hateful, superstitious old religion it is and why it’s responsible for all society’s ills. To them, the thought of any rational moral person believing the bible is inconceivable.

Students are an odd lot. It’s hard to put them all in the same category. Most of them just follow along. They’ll believe or pretend to believe whatever they have to to get good marks and graduate. It’s a wonder any of them have opinions of their own by then. There’s so much opinion-sculpting that goes on in school. Some are just rebelling against their Christian parents—others might just be rebelling against their anti-Christian teachers. That’s how I started out.

There are still real Christians among the general public. But they tend to be bullied into silence by the rest. It’s definitely popular to have no respect at all for it. I’ve heard of a lot of people getting treated badly for voicing certain convictions, and when they reach out for more decent people to stop the unfairness, they are often met with silence. Decent people don’t want to look like they affirm Christianity.  

What do you think it would take to change people’s minds about Christianity?

I have no idea. I don’t even know if it’s possible. They’d rather blatantly lie to themselves than consider it. At this point, all I want is to get away from them. They hate the one thing that’s important to me—the one thing that gives me hope and peace. I don’t know what we could ever do for them, now.

Character Interview Dronefall My Books

Halcyon Speaks

The next two blog posts will be a two-part interview with none other than the main character of the Dronefall series, Halcyon Slavic. Today’s post focuses mainly on Halcyon herself, giving you a chance to meet her if you haven’t yet, and learn more about her if you have read Dronefall.

Tell us three things about yourself.
1) The first time I jumped off a train, I was seventeen. My technique was so bad, it was a miracle I didn’t break anything. 2) My favorite book of the Bible is probably Revelation. 3) I like to feed pigeons, and it makes me unreasonably resentful when people try to enforce rules against it.

Did you have friends growing up?
They would draw names at random and herd us into new “socialization groups” every week at school. This clever strategy almost destroyed any opportunity to make any friends at all, especially as we got older and slower at connecting. I hardly remember the names of any of the kids I grew up with.

Have you ever played any sports?
I played chess. Not that I was particularly good at that, either.

Can you play any musical instruments?
A rather plunky bit of piano. Music wasn’t emphasized in our educational programs, and I didn’t have the drive to become good. I can sing some, but I have kind of a rough voice.

What was your strongest school subject?
I did well in science, especially chemistry. Biology disappointed me, because we never actually got to dissect anything. I didn’t love math, but I could make it work.

Tell us three things you’re good at and three things you don’t do well.
I’m kind of good at criticizing myself—but then again, I don’t think I try hard enough. Anyway, I think I’m pretty good at holding my ground once I’ve got something figured out. I’m good at resisting peer pressure. I also have a knack for avoiding people I don’t like.
I’m kind of bad at finalizing things. I get overwhelmed with options and possibilities. I can kind of ruin my resolve by looking at situations from too many perspectives—which kind of cancels out my ground-holding skills sometimes. I can’t talk very well. I think that part of my brain must be slow. And I also can’t do anything with my own hair. My braids are terrible, and I end up with a frizzy, knotted mess if I try anything new.

Who’s your best friend?
Reveille Jacobs. She introduced me to train jumping and drone-tracking and Jesus Christ. In other words, she ruined my chances to live a normal life. I appreciated that. I might be stuck in mundanity without her influence.

Describe your relationship with God.
It’s there. Sometimes I question it, but it doesn’t disappear. It’s a quiet relationship. Nothing’s dramatic. Everything grows slowly. I get impatient sometimes, but I don’t know what more I’m expecting, when I think about it. He’s never asked me to do anything crazy, and I find that a little disconcerting, maybe.
Stay tuned for part two, in which Halcyon discusses her upbringing, her culture, and the powers under the surface of 2040’s Budapest.