Before I say anything about myself, I want to thank you for staying on my blog long enough to become curious about me and my intentions for UnsweetenedDarjeeling.com. I hope your life gains something beautiful for discovering this blog. Welcome to the gateway to a fascinating new world.
My name is A. L. Buehrer. I’m an author with expansive dreams of exploring a vast array of other artistic media. I’m always happiest when I’m creating something, and I want to bring you along for the fun of it here on this blog. I hope I can entertain and inspire you with the work I share.
I’ve been finding it harder and harder to live as a creative in this destructive world. But God has convinced me it’s important somehow to fight against the riptide and keep making art for people trying to survive it. We’re reaching a cold point in the timeline—an age of loneliness and isolation when it’s more important than ever to flood darkened souls with beauty and hope. I know I can reach people who need a light to follow with the art I create. So, in spite of how hard it has become for me, I intend to keep creating.
The Bible says God has set eternity in our hearts. That’s why we always want more. My life has been consumed by a longing to do more, be more, feel more, and understand more. It’s a longing that will only be fulfilled by God Himself in the immensity of the world to come. I know that. But I also know eternity begins now. And I want you to come with me.
Maybe, through this blog, I can make someone’s life more vast and beautiful. I want to show you the depth of the sky and the reality of things that haven’t happened yet. I want you to remember you’re alive, you’re loved, and your future has potential to undo all the destruction that wrecked your past, if you can find the heart of the Creator who breathed passion into every artist after him. I can help you.
Let me show you the world I see.
Quick Facts:
- Jesus, family, and art have gotten me through everything.
- I’ve been writing novels since 2008.
- I’ve been blogging (on and off) since 2016.
- I was homeschooled K-12 and went on to get a BS in Music
- I quit social media and only use Pinterest.