
Okay, So Actually

Welcome to episode seven hundred forty-three of A. L. Buehrer doing everything but what she said she was going to do.

Well, as you might have noticed, it is now April and you still don’t have Dronefall Four, Nightstare. Turns out, Things Are Taking Longer Than I Expected™ and April has become the official launch month for Nightstare. Which is actually lucky for me, because the poetry collection isn’t materializing fast enough to make an appearance this month. So, at least I have something coming out in the next thirty days to keep you interested. Turns out, writing poetry every day (especially when you haven’t really written poetry in years) kind of takes a lot out of you. Read: I became very frustrated, overextended my creativity, ran it all straight into the frozen, gravelly ground and burnt out. Don’t do that, people. Very bad for your health.

So, I spent the end of March holding my horses. Actually, first I had to go find my horses and confirm that they weren’t actually kelpies. In the non-metaphorical universe, this consisted of chilling out, getting some rest, rethinking my goals, and remaking my plans. Funny thing about me is I actually really enjoy changing my plans, if I get to do it on my own terms. So, that’s what I’ve been doing for the past two weeks, or so. Things are looking better now.

I’m now easing back into producing things again. I’ve been doing a lot of drawing, and getting my plot around for my next project. I’ll possibly start work on Dronefall Five today, which I’m looking forward to.

Here is the revised outlook for you:

·         Dronefall Four, Nightstare will be coming out this month in ebook and paperback. In the meantime, the first three books are still on sale for 99c for Kindle. Please help yourself.

·         The second poetry bookhas been postponed until I actually have what it takes to do it justice. I’m thinking you’ll get it sometime this summer. It’s still coming.

·         In honor of poetry month I will be releasing Songs from the Small Hours as an ebook for the first time. So keep an eye open for that, if you prefer it to paperback, which is available here.

·         The Top Secret project is still on schedule for May. I’m very excited about it, so please stay tuned!

So there. Not so bad, is it? It really doesn’t look like too much of a letdown, now that I see it written out. I’m starting to get excited to work again. Burnout passes, everybody. But sometimes you have to take really intentional breaks to recover. I’m not very good about taking breaks on purpose, but that’s an important skill to master.

 It can take a while, but eventually, you’ll start loving what you do and doing what you love again.

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