
Dronefall Character Art!


Let’s pretend it’s yesterday, when I said this “special surprise” post was going to be published. The moment I typed that phrase at the end of Thursday’s post I know I was somehow going to end up late with this post, but anyway.

For the first time ever, I’m releasing character art—made by me—of two characters from the Dronefall series. Which ones? I thought it would make most sense to introduce you to Halcyon (the protagonist, of course) and Reveille (the awesome side-kick) since they are also the first characters you meet when you start reading the first book.

The first physical description of Halcyon Slavic comes on page two of Dronefall. She’s described merely as “a young woman with dark hair, and a thin, weaselish face.”  Halcyon blends in with the population of 2040’s Budapest, and is pretty unmemorable, at least, at the beginning of the series. This is her superpower. She’s a perfect “grayman.”

Also, something I might note, this book is written in third person, but is usually pretty strict about staying in the perspective of the character we’re following at the time. Though we’re clearly following Halcyon in scene one, when we first see her, we’re in a dethatched, almost omniscient perspective. I use this perspective intentionally for a moment here and there throughout the series. It’s not a POV slip. I’m trying to evoke the ever-present “eyes in the sky” which are so essential to the story.

Anyway, you want to see the art, so here’s Halcyon:

Halcyon went through a little evolution while I was working on her design, but this is always approximately what I’ve imagined her to look like.  She looks like a lot of fun, right? Actually, it’s just her face. She’s more upbeat than she appears, and has a sense of humor—though it is pretty dead-pan.

Then there’s Reveille. Actually, Reveille is the third member of the A-cast you physically see in the beginning of Dronefall. The reason I say she’s the second character you meet is that Halcyon contacts her upon deciding to vacate her apartment when she discovers a drone spying on her there. Reveille gives her instructions on here to go to meet up with Zoltan Sycora, who is technically the second A-cast member you see.

Halcyon meets her long-time friend Reveille Jacobs in Reveille’s apartment on page 21. “In the corner of the couch lounged Reveille, legs crossed on the table and head tilted back with simultaneously incredulous and indifferent to the intrusion. She raised her brown eyebrows and tossed her collar-length, fire-colored hair as she got to her feet. Block letters on her shirt spelled out the greeting message, ‘Welcome to Awsomeland.’ Halcyon wasn’t sure what that meant.”

Though she’s not wearing said shirt in this picture, she is wearing her star-stud earrings, which are mentioned elsewhere in the book.

Everything about Reveille is fun for me. Her design, her personality, the way she talks—she one of my favorite characters in anything I’ve ever written. I like her dynamic with Halcyon. From looking at them you might think they’re polar opposites, but they have a similar vibe deep inside that makes them get along. Reveille’s spunkier, extraverted, and still a teenager when the series starts. Halcyon’s a little more cynical, definitely an introvert, and several years older.

Their relationship dynamic is something I don’t see very often in female characters. I think it’s probably inspired by my relationship with my sisters, which we always say seems more like friendship between guys. They give each other space emotionally, because they both prefer it, but they’re also brutally honest with each other and are always down to join in on the other’s often rather bad plans of action. Overall, I’m really enjoying watching their friendship grow as they go through all these crazy things together.

I promise you’ll be getting more character art in the near future. You’re probably eager to see my concepts for the rest of the cast. I’m excited to share them with you when the time comes.

Tomorrow, I’ll be posting the wrap-up for this launch-week celebration! Thanks for joining me in it. It’s been a lot of fun.