Well, this has been quite a week. I feel oddly productive right now.
We’re four whole books in now. We are two-thirds of the way through the Dronefall series. The plot is thickening, and so are the books. Each one has been a little longer than the last, as the sub-plots explode and expand. We’re building up to a big climactic showdown of a finale. A lot of the biggest burning questions will be answered in book five. It’s gonna be so worth it, guys.
I hope more people discover Dronefall while I’m writing the last two books. There’s really nothing like being in a fandom and getting to wait for real-time comebacks. My first experience following an active series was with The Illyon Chronicles by Jaye L. Knight. I’m still waiting on the final book. Has anyone heard anything?
Please help spread the word about the Dronefall series, if you get the chance. I know there are people out there who would appreciate it. I hope they find it.
Thanks to everyone who has been supportive in any way. The likes, the shares, the comments, the interactions and mentions are all very encouraging and I notice every one. And, of course, many thanks to Victoria of Victoria Lynn Designs who has done the interior formatting for the whole series so far, as well as the formatting for my poetry book. And thanks to my family, who always help with alpha and beta reading. My family is the best team I could ask for.
And thank you for reading to the end this post. Before I go, here are the links you might want to click sometime soon.
Book Four, Nightstare on Amazon
(first three ebooks all on sale on Kindle for 99c until June 1st)
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